A total of $45,876.79 was awarded to 26 Jo Daviess County not-for-profit organizations:

FHN Family Counseling/Sojourn House, Galena
$750 - dual diagnosis treatment collaborative
Warren Area Ambulance Service
$2,991.75 - stair chair upgrade
Galena Center for the Arts
$1,800 - Friday movie series for children
East Dubuque Fire Department
$1,930 - paramedic equipment upgrade
Jo Daviess County Sheriff’s Mounted Patrol
$1,000 - portable radio purchase
Stockton Police Department
$800 - Stockton/Warren Police Department Explorer Post 105
Galena Elk's Lodge
$2,000 - Christmas food basket program
Warren United Methodist Church
$1,000 - assistance program
Jo Daviess County Sheriff’s Office
$2,694 - radar unit replacement program
The Workshop, Galena
$3,400 - industrial water softener replacement
Stockton Ambulance
$1,620.95 - infant/pediatric cables for monitoring pulse ox and IV training arm
Kiwanis Club, Galena
$2,480 - Tot Lot Park upgrade
Galena High School Key Club
$1,112 - Tot Lot Park upgrade
Caring Neighbors Food Pantry, Warren
$2,000 - milk and food for families
United Churches of Galena Food Pantry
$3,500 - children’s backpack program
Stockton Ministerial Association
$1,500 - housing voucher program
Elizabeth Community Ambulance
$1,000 - emergency pager update/replacement
FHN Family Counseling Center, Galena
$1,250 - Big Brother/Big Sister program
Galena Community Garden
$325 - seeds, plants and organic products
Warren Fire Department
$1,050 - hand tool purchase
Galena Police Department
$1,800 - Taser electronic control devices
Stockton Police Youth Club
$1,000 - youth club program
Jo Daviess County Health Department
$1,950 - child restraint seats
St. Mary and St. John churchse, Elizabeth/Hanover
$1,200 - emergency assistance program
St. Mary Catholic Church, Galena
$2,000 - assist destitute individuals program
St. Michael Catholic Church, Galena
$2,000 - assist destitute individuals program
Stockton Fire Department
$1,715 - pager and radio upgrades
The funds for these grants were made available from the proceeds of the 2014 Galena Country Fair event. None of the money from the profit of the fair was used toward administrative support of this group, it is strictly a volunteer organization.