2025 Galena Country Fair Vendor Information & Application
Dear Artist / Craftsperson:
Thank you for your interest in Galena Country Fair! This popular two-day event is held annually on Columbus Day Weekend in historic Grant Park overlooking Galena, Illinois.
Galena Country Fair features more than 100 vendors selling a variety of high-quality, original handmade arts, crafts, and fine arts. Fairgoers and participants enjoy delicious food, family fun, live entertainment, children’s games, a silent auction, and raffle.
Galena Country Fair is a volunteer-run event. All proceeds from the event support a wide range of causes including strengthening our communities’ emergency services and preparedness, developing programs for youth, and improving the well-being of our citizens.
Fair Hours: Saturday, October 11, 2025 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
Sunday, October 12 2025 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
Early Bird Shoppers: Many shoppers arrive by 8 a.m. both days.
We recommend vendors are open and ready for business by 8 a.m.
Where: Grant Park
625 Park Ave., Galena, IL
When filling out your application, please print. If we cannot read your handwriting, your data may get entered incorrectly. This will impact the way your business name, vendor name, and product information are displayed in promotional materials and on your booth sign.
We also ask that you provide your best email address on the application. Please share with us the email address that you check regularly. Vendor correspondence may be sent via email, and we definitely want all Galena Country Fair information to reach you! Please add Galenacountryfairvendors@gmail.com to your Whitelist, which may also be called the Approved or Safe Sender List. Adding Galenacountryfairvendors@gmail.com to your Whitelist is an important step that improves the chances of our emails reaching your inbox instead of your spam or junk folder.
Please visit GalenaCountryFair.com to learn more about the event and review vendors' frequently asked questions (FAQs). If you need further assistance, please call 815-777-0817.
Teresa Rowe, Vendor Chairperson