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2013 Grant Awards

Galena Country Fair

A total of $39,253.81 was awarded to 27 Jo Daviess County not-for-profit organizations:

Knights of Columbus, East Dubuque

$3,000 - assistance program

Galena Fire Department

$1,000 - radios

Juvenile Justice Commission, Galena

$1,800 - True Lies assembly program

Menominee-Dunleith Fire Department

$2,000 - breathing air compressor

Stockton Ambulance

$1,428.82 - temporal thermometer and stair lift foot support

The Workshop, Galena

$719.99 - wellness program

Warren Public Library

$450 - teen book club

Apple River Police Department

$1,500 - laptop computer

Galena Elk's Club

$3,000 - Christmas food baskets

Jo Daviess County Sheriff's Department

$1,500 - portable radio replacement

Midwest Health & Fitness

$1,000 - kid's summer camp

Stockton Police youth group

$900 - youth program

Caring Neighbors Food Pantry, Warren

$2,000 - milk and food

East Dubuque Police Department

$600 - tactical vest carriers

Hospice of Northwest Illinois, Stockton

$900 - traveling alzheimer's resource library and children's program

St. Mary Catholic Church, Elizabeth

$1,000 - needy assistance

Apple River Fire Department

$830 - multi-gas detector

Galena Community Garden

$150 - seeds, plants and plant food

Jo Daviess County Sheriff's Mounted Patrol

$800 - portable radios

Stockton Fire Department

$1,000 - hydraulic cutters

Riverview Center

$3,000 - violence prevention education program and domestic violence 24 hour emergency services

St. Mary and St. Michael Catholic churches, Galena

$1,000 - community assistance program

Warren Fire Department

$1,000 - air lifting bags and accessories

Galena Police Department

$2,000 - video/audio recording system

East Dubuque Fire Department

$2,175 - butterfly valves

Stockton Police Department

$1,000 - portable radio replacement

United Churches of Galena Food Pantry

$3,500 - milk and backpack program

The funds for these grants were made available from the proceeds of the 2012 Galena Country Fair event. None of the money from the profit of the fair was used toward administrative support of this group, it is strictly a volunteer organization.

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